Sometimes we want to be sure that your services are running and didn’t terminate for whatever reason. In those cases, normally I use tools like Monit and it is fair enough.
This case is a bit more complicated though. The service I want to monitor queries a REST API and stores some real time data in an database, building a historic. By ensuring that the service is up I know the service tries to build the historic but not if it actually does. What if there is something that keeps some data from being stored? It could be a bug in the data gathering code, some network problems, etc. Imagine discovering after some weeks that your data was just not saved in the database.
In order to check that the data is effectively being stored in the database, I created a small service that reads the last timestamp inserted and just outputs “success” if it is recent or “failure” otherwise. I will then monitor this service with monit, checking that the result is successful. Here is what I did:
Create maven project. In the command line:
$ mvn archetype:generate
Configure the pom.xml to tell Maven to package the project as .war file and to use some dependencies: Servlet API and a library to connect to the database.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Some tools are unhappy if there is no web.xml file. It will be just empty since our servlet will be declared with annotations:
<web-app xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Create and implement the servlet. Basically it obtains the maximum value of the timestamp field from the database and checks it against now. If the difference is greater than a certain amount of time, output a “failure”, else output a “success”:
public class StatusServlet extends HttpServlet {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
String answer = "weather: $weatherStatus\ntransport: $transportStatus";
Date nowDate = new Date();
long now = nowDate.getTime();
EntityManager em = DBUtils.getEntityManager();
Long lastWeatherCondition = (Long) em.createNativeQuery("select max(\"timestamp\") from app.WeatherConditions;")
String weatherStatus = (now - lastWeatherCondition > 5 * 60 * 60 * 1000) ? "fail" : "success";
Long lastTransportShift = (Long) em.createNativeQuery("select max(\"timestamp\") from app.Shift;")
Calendar calendar = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();
int hour = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
String transportStatus = ((hour > 7) && (now - lastTransportShift > 60 * 60 * 1000)) ? "fail" : "success";
answer = answer.replace("$weatherStatus", weatherStatus);
answer = answer.replace("$transportStatus", transportStatus);
Create a Dockerfile. Nothing special here, just use Tomcat image over Alpine and add our .war:
FROM tomcat:7-jre8-alpine
ADD target/segment-speeds-service-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/segment-speeds.war
Create a docker image and push to docker hub
mvn package
docker build . -t fergonco/traffic-viewer-dbstatus
docker push fergonco/traffic-viewer-dbstatus
Pull the image on the server and run. We are just linking the dockers with –link which is such a quick, dirty and legacy way to link docker containers. I’ll move on to something else some day.
docker pull fergonco/traffic-viewer-dbstatus
docker run -d -p $PORT:8080 --link $PG:pg -e TRAFFIC_VIEWER_DB_URL=jdbc:postgresql://pg:5432/$DB -e TRAFFIC_VIEWER_DB_USER=$USERNAME -e TRAFFIC_VIEWER_DB_PASSWORD=$PASSWORD --name traffic-viewer-dbstatus fergonco/traffic-viewer-dbstatus
Check manually the service.
Add some monit configuration to check that the output of our service gives us the right output:
check host border-rampage with address
if failed
port 80 protocol http
request "/dbstatus/" with content = "weather: success\ntransport: success"
then alert
That’s it. Some info about the context of this work coming soon :)