

MusicJargon separates the different aspects of music and allows to transform and combine them to produce something we can hear. In a music staff, each note has a pitch, a strength and a duration which is defined by one or more complex symbols in a staff. In MusicJargon these concepts are independent and can be defined in one place and be reused on different places, combined differently, etc. For example it is possible to define a rhythm that will be played in two parts of a song with a different sequence of notes.

More concretely, MusicJargon has the following data types:

Variable declarations

The aim is to make music, so all these expressions have to be placed on a type of score, explained further down in this documentation. But there is a construction that is useful whenever we are using some expression in many places: variable declarations. They are defined this way:

<variableName> = <expression>

Where is the name that will be assigned to the expression and *expression* is any of the MusicJargon expressions explained below. Variables start with lowercase and can be followed by any upper or lowercase letter, by a number or by an underscore.

Numbers, fractions and text

Text is anything between single quotes, “for example this”.

Numbers are just integers, like 1, 2, 4.

And fractions are two numbers separated by a slash, like 4/4 or 1/8.


Rhythms define note duration and a dynamic variation over the base dynamics. They are defined this way:

[<rhythm_literal>] on <time_signature>

or this way:

[<rhythm_literal>] with <note_length>

rhythm_literal is a sequence of X x and ., with these meanings:

time_signature and note_length are fraction expressions. In the case of note_length the fraction represents the length of each character. So:

[XxXxXxXx] with 1/8

Would be 8 eighth notes, forming a typical 4/4 time signature.

If defined with a time signature expression the length of the character is calculated in order to match the given time signature. For example, in this rhythm each X represents a quarter note:

[XXXX] on 4/4

While in this one each character represents a eighth note:

[XxXxXxXx] on 4/4

Default time signature

By default, rhythm expressions assume a 4/4 time signature. So:


is the same as the previous rhythm.

The default time signature can be changed using the following declaration:

default time signature <fraction>

Where fraction is the time signature that will become the default one.

Pitched sequences

Pitched sequences are a sequence of notes, these notes can be single notes or chords and the sequence can mix these. Notes are separated by spaces and the syntax for an individual note is:


where note-name is one of CDEFGAB uppercase letters, accidental is, optional, either the # or the b character and octave is also optional and defines in which octave to play the note.

By default, if there is no accidental, as expected, the pitch of the note is not modified.

The default octave is the last octave specified. Thus, in this sequence, all notes are in the third octave:

A3 B C D E

For the first note, the default octave is the fourth so this is middle C:


Silences are expressed as -. For example, the next expression means A, silence, C:

A - C

Underscore repeats the previous note “tying” them. The next sequence means A, still A, C:

A _ C


In order to play several notes at the same time with the same voice (in order to play a chord) it is enough to put the notes together:


MusicJargon makes no difference from a single notes and chords, so it is possible to create sequences of chords just the same way:


Triads can be specified also with the name of the chord followed by maj, min, aug or dim. The previous chord sequence would be:

Cmaj Gmaj Amin

Note that the qualifier has to be added always in order to differentiate it from the single note.

For more complex chords, they can be defined in a variable at the beginning of the script:


And then reused, for example in a sequence:

cMajSixth Gmaj Amin

Drum sequences

Drum sequences have the same structure as pitched sequences with the only difference that they use drums instruments instead of note names:

For example:

hihat hihatopen hihat hihatopen hihat hihatopen hihat hihatopen 


Sequences and rhythms are combined on aural expressions, which have this syntax:

<sequence> on <rhythm>

Where sequence is a pitched or drum sequence expression and rhythm is a rhythm expression.

In this expression each component of the rhythm is matched with the component in the sequence that has the same place in order to produce a note of the known length, pitch and dynamics.

For example:

hihat hihatopen hihat hihatopen hihat hihatopen hihat hihatopen on [XxXxXxXx]


C D E F G A B on [xxxxxxx.]

If the sequence is shorter than the rhythm it is rolled over, which is very useful for drum sequences. For example, the previous drum aural expression can be defined so:

hihat hihatopen on [XxXxXxXx]

When the sequence is over after the second eighth note, it will start again with another two hihat and open hihat eighth notes until the rhythm is filled.

Named expressions

MusicJargon allows to associate a name to any expression. The syntax is:

<name> = <expression>

Where name is the name given to the expression and expression is the expression we want to associate with the name.

Once an expression has a name it can be reused in other expressions. For example, let beat be defined as:

beat = [XXXX] on 4/4

We could have an aural expression so:

hihat on beat

This is quite useful to define rhythms and sequences in one place and not to type them over and over.


MusicJargon allows the usage of functions, with this syntax:


where functionName is the name of the function and params is a comma separated list of expressions that are passed as parameters to the function.

They take any number of parameters as input and produce a single result. The types of the parameters and results can be any of the types supported by MusicJargon. On example of function is the transpose8 one, which transposes the notes of a sequence one or more octaves up or down:

transpose8(C5 D B A, 1)

See at the end of this reference for a list of available functions.

Sequence accessors

It is possible to access parts of sequences using the {} accessor operator:


If only startIndex is defined, the expression returns the zero-based index-th note in the sequence. If endIndex is defined it returns the notes between startIndex and endIndex, both included. And if the colon appears, but no endIndex (e.g.: seq(1:)) it returns the notes from startIndex until the end of the sequence.

This is valid for both pitched and drum sequences:

eighths          = [X.x.X.x.X.x.] on 3/4
mainRhythm       = [x.xx..xx..x.] on 3/4
polyRhythm       = [x..x..x..x..] on 3/4
filledPolyRhythm = [xxXxxXxxXxxX] on 3/4
bassdrumSn       = bd sn bd bd bd sn
sn2bd            = bd bd sn

voices | drums "hihat"                | drums "rhythm"
       | concat(crash, hh) on eighths | snare + bassdrumSn(1:) on mainRhythm
       | hh                on eighths | bassdrumSn(1:3)        on mainRhythm
       | hh                on eighths | sn2bd                  on filledPolyRhythm
       | hh                on eighths | sn2bd                  on polyRhythm


As opposed to pentagrams, MusicJargon defines a song vertically by means of songline statements. These statements define the instruments that are used, the bars for each instrument, set the tempo, define the base dynamic, etc.

On the same line, the data for different instruments is separated with the | character.


The voices songline defines the different instruments that will play the song. It is defined so:

voices | <instrument_name> "comment" | <instrument_name> "comment" | ...

Where instrument_name is the name of one of the available instruments and comment is any text that helps the author to identify the instrument.

Note that some instruments have two voices and they have to be added explicitly, for example the two hands for piano:

voices | piano "left hand" | piano "right hand"

Note also that the vertical bar | separates both instruments.


Bars come vertically after one another under the corresponding instrument:

voices | piano "left hand" | piano "right hand"
       | <bar>             | <bar>
       | <bar>             | <bar>
       | <bar>             | <bar>
       | ...               | ...

Note that formatting is not important but instead the number of | characters is taken into account to know to which voice belongs each bar. An editor with block editing capabilities or aligning capabilities is recommended.

A bar is any aural expression.

Voices not playing a bar

Just leave the bar empty. Empty bars make the corresponding voice mute during the bar.

voices | piano "left hand" | piano "right hand"
       | <bar>             | <bar>
       |                   | <bar>
       | <bar>             |       
       | ...               | ...


Labels define anchor points with the following syntax:

<label_name>: | <bar> | ...

For example:

voices          | piano "left hand" | piano "right hand"
intro:          | <bar>             | <bar>
                |                   | <bar>
                | <bar>             |       
                | ...               | ...

Note that the label declaration is not defined in its own line but is followed by bars which are actually played.

Then the repeat keyword can be used to make the playback jump to a label:

repeat <label_name> <times>

Where label_name is the label to jump to and times is the number of times it has to jump. For example:

voices          | piano "left hand" | piano "right hand"
intro:          | <bar>             | <bar>
                |                   | <bar>
                | <bar>             |       
                | <bar>             | <bar>
repeat intro 4  |                   |
Note that repeat can be followed by as many * * as we want, to pretty format our score.

Referencing other bars

Same as previous bar: %

Most common for drum voices, you may want a voice to play the same as in the last bar. This is done with the “%” symbol. Thus:

voices | drums "left hand" | drums "right hand"
       | bd sn on [xxxx]   | hh on [xxxx] 
       | %                 | %
       | %                 | %
       | %                 | %

Same as some specific bar: like

Sometimes it is more complicated and you want one voice to repeat something it already did some bars before. It is not the whole song which is repeating (we could use repeat for that) but only one voice. like references can do this:

like <label_name> (+/- <index>)?

Where label_name is the label pointing to the bar whose expression you want to play in this bar. index is an optional offset from the specified label.

Note that the playback does not jump to that label, it just “copies” the referenced label contents for the voice. Just in the same way the % symbol works. We could say like is a more flexible %.

The index is specially useful when we want a voice to repeat several bars. For example, in order to play a block of four bars pointed by a “intro” label, one should type:

voices | piano "left hand" | piano "right hand"
intro: | <bar>             | <bar>
       | <bar>             | <bar>
       | <bar>             | <bar>
       | <bar>             | <bar>
       | like intro        | <bar>
       | like intro + 1    | <bar>
       | like intro + 2    | <bar>
       | like intro + 3    | <bar>

Note that it allows to repeat a sequence of bars on one voice while other voices do not repeat.

like abreviation: +

The redundant like intro + i can be abreviated with a “+”, meaning “same label as before + one more bar”:

voices | piano "left hand" | piano "right hand"
intro: | <bar>             | <bar>
       | <bar>             | <bar>
       | <bar>             | <bar>
       | <bar>             | <bar>
       | like intro        | <bar>
       | +                 | <bar>
       | +                 | <bar>
       | +                 | <bar>


At any point it is possible to start a line with a single quote in order to make a comment that is not processed by MusicJargon.

voices | piano "left hand" | piano "right hand"
       | <bar>             | <bar>
       | <bar>             | <bar>
       | <bar>             | <bar>
       | <bar>             | <bar>
' **********  chorus !!!  ************
       | <bar>             | <bar>
       | <bar>             | <bar>
       | <bar>             | <bar>
       | ...               | ...


Tempo lines can appear at any place in the bar section. Its syntax is:

tempo [<note_fraction>=] <bpm> | ...

where bpm is the beats per minute and note_fraction is the fraction that identifies the note length. It is 1/4 (a quarter note) by default.

Note that in order to define the tempo for a doted quarter note you have to add 1/4 and 1/8 which gives 3/8:

tempo 3/8=60
The tempo declaration can have any number of characters afterwards, with no meaning at all but allowing for nice formatting and alignment.


Dynamics change the base dynamics. Its syntax is:

dynamics | <dynamic> | <dynamic> | ...

where dynamic is one of:

For example, in the following section the left hand and right hand of piano are balanced and afterwards the right hand is a bit louder while the right hand does not change:

voices   | piano "left hand" | piano "right hand"
tempo 70 |                   |
dynamics | mf                | mf
         | CEG               | C E G on myRhythm
dynamics |                   | f
         | CEG               | C E G on myRhythm

List of functions


Generates a sequence of the arpeggiated notes of a chord. It receives a chord parameter and an optional string with the 1-based indices of the notes in the chord to use:

beat         = rhythm [xxxx] on 4/4
subbeat      = rhythm [XxXxXxXx] on 4/4
chords       = sequence D4GB EAC5 E4GB CEG
voices    | piano "right hand"                            | drums "right hand"                      
          | arpeggio(chords{0}, "12323")       on subbeat | crash + hihat on beat                 
          | arpeggio(chords{1})                on subbeat | hihat on beat                 


Transposes the input sequence a number of octaves. It receives a note sequence and a number as a parameter:

beat         = rhythm [xxxx] on 4/4
subbeat      = rhythm [XxXxXxXx] on 4/4
chords       = sequence D4GB EAC5 E4GB CEG
voices    | piano "right hand"                                    | drums "right hand"                      
          | transpose8(arpeggio(chords{0}, "12323"), 1 on subbeat | crash + hihat on beat                 
          | transpose8(arpeggio(chords{1})        ), 1 on subbeat | hihat on beat                 


Takes a chord and a list of numbers that are interpreted as 1-based indices on the notes of the chord and returns these as a pitched sequence:

' C C E E G G
chordNotes(CEG, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3)


Returns a sequence resulting of the concatenation of two or more sequences. When matching a rhythm, if the sequence is to short, only the last sequence will be rolled over.

' One crash and 7 hihats
concat(crash, hihat) on [XxXxXxXx]


A complete list of the instruments that can be used in voices section: